Principal Message
There can be no question about the fact that education is the cornerstone of human development. Education is a backbone of every individual and a life-long process. Nourishing child’s life needs a very delicate understanding of his/her behavior and involvement.
We as teachers have the high responsibility to educate children, keeping their motivation and confidence high towards knowledge. Shaping young brains with new innovative ideas in learning makes a holistic impact on children, which make them leaders of the future. DPS Vizag is a friendly, vibrant, community-minded school, whose decisions always put our students first.
I enjoy celebrating successes and acknowledge hard work of staff, students and community and believe this is one of the contributor’s fundamental to a happy school environment.
Community engagement and involvement in the school is important to me as a Principal. As a lifelong teacher and an educationist, I have witnessed the marvel of a young mind absorbing a new idea, grasping a new concept or solving a problem. That moment of sudden illumination is almost miraculous to see. It is these moments that create inventors, scientists, artists, writers, leaders and social reformers, In our School, we strive to create an optimum blend of academics, sports, extra-curricular activities, personality building, life skills, creativity, analytical thinking and more. All along, we inculcate the finest human and social values in each student, teaching him not just right from wrong, but how to stay on the path of virtue and integrity. We teach the importance of compassion, inclusion and generosity. We help him understand his duties and responsibilities as a citizen and a nation-builder.
There can be no question about the fact that education is the cornerstone of human development, the strongest pillar to ensure the survival of our planet. As a lifelong teacher and an educationist, I have witnessed the marvel of a young mind absorbing a new idea, grasping a new concept or solving a problem. That moment of sudden illumination is almost miraculous to see. It is these moments that create inventors, scientists, artists, writers, leaders and social reformers.
The reason for this is not far to seek. In our School, we strive to create an optimum blend of academics, sports, extra-curricular activities, personality building, life skills, creativity, analytical thinking and more. All along, we inculcate the finest human and social values in each student, teaching him not just right from wrong, but how to stay on the path of virtue and integrity. We teach the importance of compassion, inclusion and generosity. We help him understand his duties and responsibilities as a citizen and a nation-builder.
Our teaching faculty brings an enviable level of qualifications, experience and commitment. They play the roles of teacher, mentor, counselor, guide and cheer leader with consummate skill. For them, teaching is not a job, but a calling, in which they grow and evolve to become better every day.
“The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn …and change”, so stated American psychologist Carl Rogers and today more than ever the aim of educationists is to teach students how to learn,.. Learn to Learn.